Widescreen Gaming Forum

Dragon Age 2 - The way it should be
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Author:  helifax [ 21 Aug 2013, 18:48 ]
Post subject:  Dragon Age 2 - The way it should be

Some time ago I created a Surround/Eyefinity Fix for Dragon Age: Origins. Afterwards, I tried to do the same things for Dragon Age 2.
With this in mind, I managed to fix the problem of having a HUGE spanned HUD that the game shows...

Fixing the HUD was much more harder than I have initially imagined.. It was relatively easy to make it one screen wide and center it on the middle screen, but however this basically BROKE everything else including:
- Markers,
- Cinematics,
- Menus,
- Mouse coordinates
- Conversations

and Now I imagine why Bioware didn't bother to try to fix it in the first place...
However, I managed to "refix" all these aspects. So now I present "Dragon Age 2" in Surround/Eyefinity as it should have been.

In short, Fixes:

- UI completely centered and usable, including portraits and skill bars.
- Inventory and menus fully working
- Markers perfectly lining-up with the objects. Are displayed only on the center monitor.
- Conversations are fully usable including the dialog-wheel (like normal)
- Cinematics are rendered on the center screen (like normal)

10There are some minor problems though:

- In the party selection dialog you must use the toggle key (Middle mouse button) to be able to select the companions
- The dialog bubbles don't show, but I imagine this is not important as I never actually used them... (I just noticed now)

The plugin will work only with the latest version (1.04) on both Steam and Origin

The plugin works with the latest version of WideScreen Fixer.

Best Regards,

Author:  helifax [ 21 Aug 2013, 18:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: Dragon Age 2 - The way it should be

The plugin can be downloaded from this post :twothumb:

Best Regards,

File comment: Dragon Age 2 Plugin
Plugin.Dragon Age 2.rar [32.84 KiB]
Downloaded 600 times

Author:  evilmatt [ 21 Aug 2013, 22:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: Dragon Age 2 - The way it should be

Awesome work helifax :D Many thanks, very glad I held off playing this until now!

Author:  helifax [ 21 Aug 2013, 23:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: Dragon Age 2 - The way it should be

evilmatt wrote:
Awesome work helifax :D Many thanks, very glad I held off playing this until now!

I'm Really glad that you like it;)) Despite it's shortcomings I really loved the game;))

Author:  anteronoid [ 22 Aug 2013, 09:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: Dragon Age 2 - The way it should be

Sweet! Thank you so much for this.
Me too have been holding back on playing this because of bad 3-wide support. (also playing damn to much Bf3 that time :crazy: )
So I rushed to Origin where there was a DA2 sale so i picked it up for about 6€ :twothumb:

Thanks again, weekend is saved! :cheers:

Author:  Gungoose360 [ 06 Jan 2015, 07:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: Dragon Age 2 - The way it should be

Master H
I just stumbled upon this blog of yours... Quite cool!
I play this DX11 game windowed across 3 displays it works sweet enough, except.......... Cut scenes!
Did u ever find a way to make the cut scenes render across all displays?
Thanks for posting this, awesome work! :rockout:

Author:  helifax [ 04 Feb 2015, 19:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: Dragon Age 2 - The way it should be

blubberduck86 wrote:
Master H
I just stumbled upon this blog of yours... Quite cool!
I play this DX11 game windowed across 3 displays it works sweet enough, except.......... Cut scenes!
Did u ever find a way to make the cut scenes render across all displays?
Thanks for posting this, awesome work! :rockout:

Unfortunately not:( I wasn't able to fix the cinematics to render on all 3 screens properly:(

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