Widescreen Gaming Forum

Resident Evil 7 No 21:9 support
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Author:  Blinky [ 05 Feb 2017, 10:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: Resident Evil 7 No 21:9 support

CivilWolf wrote:
Blinky wrote:

Here's a thought: If I play at 1920x1080, I get full screen, no letterboxing. But of course the aspect ratio is messed up. Could I keep it at that resolution so I can have a full screen image, but change the aspect ratio in the .exe so that the image isn't stretched?

Is that possible? I really, really want to play fullscreen.

That sounds like it might work!

You only have to change the first HEX value, I would guess.

You mean 0000FC50? I tried using the values you posted previously but it didn't change anything.

Author:  CivilWolf [ 05 Feb 2017, 11:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: Resident Evil 7 No 21:9 support

Blinky wrote:

You mean 0000FC50? I tried using the values you posted previously but it didn't change anything.


Here are the steps I took to find your HEX codes:

Found FOV ratio:

Converted to HEX:

Removed the "0x" and reversed the HEX value.

I'm stumped. That is about all I've ever had to do for HEX values. Strange how it is not working in this case.

Hopefully someone comes up with a solution soon.

Author:  zens [ 05 Feb 2017, 11:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: Resident Evil 7 No 21:9 support

For 1600x1800 its "8:9"=0,8888888888888889. Basicly its a "4:4,5"

Ratio 4:4,5 :
Removes (openes) the black bars:
1.777778(float) 3FE38E39(hex aligned) "39 8E E3 3F"(binary) to 0.888889(float) 3F638E3B(hex aligned) "3B 8E 63 3F"(binary)
Fix the ratio (horizontal):
16.00000(float) 41800000(hex aligned) "00 00 80 41"(binary) to 4.00000(float) 40800000(hex aligned) "00 00 80 40"(binary)
Fix the ratio (vertical):
9.00000(float) 41100000(hex aligned) "00 00 10 41"(binary) to 4.50000(float) 40900000(hex aligned) "00 00 90 40"(binary)


Ratio 8:9 :
Removes (openes) the black bars:
1.777778(float) 3FE38E39(hex aligned) "39 8E E3 3F"(binary) to 0.888889(float) 3F638E3B(hex aligned) "3B 8E 63 3F"(binary)
Fix the ratio (horizontal):
16.00000(float) 41800000(hex aligned) "00 00 80 41"(binary) to 8.00000(float) 41000000(hex aligned) "00 00 00 41"(binary)
Fix the ratio (vertical):
nothing todo here

Aspect Ratio Calculator:


Author:  murilladas [ 05 Feb 2017, 14:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: Resident Evil 7 No 21:9 support


please can you corfirm that your values for 5040x1050 (3 screens 16x10) are correct?

Removes (openes) the black bars:
1.777778(float) 3FE38E39(hex aligned) "39 8E E3 3F"(binary) to 4.800000(float) 4099999A(hex aligned) "9A 99 99 40"(binary)
Fix the ratio (horizontal):
16.00000(float) 41800000(hex aligned) "00 00 80 41"(binary) to 24.00000(float) 41C00000(hex aligned) "00 00 C0 41"(binary)
Fix the ratio (vertical):
9.00000(float) 41100000(hex aligned) "00 00 10 41"(binary) to 5.00000(float) 40A00000(hex aligned) "00 00 A0 40"(binary)

i teste a lot values and dont work, is streched and zommed. :cry:

Please someone have a triplewide 16x10 (5040x1050) and has made it work??


sorry bad english

Author:  bacardi [ 05 Feb 2017, 18:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: Resident Evil 7 No 21:9 support

So i applied the hex edit fix for my resolution (3440x1440) but it turns out the only thing the fix does is removing the black bars and then
stretches the 16:9 game to fit a 21:9 sceen. https://imgur.com/a/FEeH2
Is it even possible to render the game in a 21:9 resolution so I can see more to the left and right? Does anyone have a 21:9 vs 16:9
comparison from the exact same moment ingame?

Author:  matthias [ 05 Feb 2017, 19:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: Resident Evil 7 No 21:9 support

Can someone clarify this for me:

Is it possible to apply a hex edit for 3440x1440p that does not result in a stretched image?

And if so, what are your specific values? Yes, I've tried everything in this thread, afaik.

Author:  bacardi [ 05 Feb 2017, 20:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: Resident Evil 7 No 21:9 support

matthias wrote:
Can someone clarify this for me:

Is it possible to apply a hex edit for 3440x1440p that does not result in a stretched image?

And if so, what are your specific values? Yes, I've tried everything in this thread, afaik.

I have the same problem. This is what my re7.exe looks like: https://imgur.com/a/C9J9G but this does not make the game run in 21:9 (3440x1440).

Author:  zens [ 05 Feb 2017, 20:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: Resident Evil 7 No 21:9 support

5040x1050 is 24:5 (12:2,5) = 4,8
3440x1440 is 43:18 (21:9) = 2,4

Changing the window mode with "alt + enter" fixes the streching.

Author:  Blinky [ 05 Feb 2017, 22:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: Resident Evil 7 No 21:9 support

Can any of you tell me what values I need to enter for the following?

Set the game's resolution to 1080p, but change the aspect ratio to fit correctly with a 8:9 monitor?

Author:  zens [ 05 Feb 2017, 22:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: Resident Evil 7 No 21:9 support

Blinky u have to setup ur nativ monitor resolution. In ur case 1600x1800. Then u have to tweak the executable to ur needs. Your native resolution is equivalent to a 4:5 Ratio, or a 8:9 Ratio. So u have to tweak horizontal and/or vertical ratio value and the diagonal value (means 8:9= 0.89) in the executable.

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