wazoo wrote:
Hey JackFuste,
Whelp, they done and broke your marker adjuster AGAIN with a new update.
Once again I appeal to your altruism to help us all out.
Will have a look tonight as i still play that awesome game.
Edit : I have found a fix for markers position and ui size that should work fine.
Should be the same for sonar effect.
Here is the markers fix Cheat table.
mgsvtpp_1.0.7.1.zipThis will only work with latest version.
All you have to do is to edit this script (
Markers position).
Edit these lines to match with your calculated X and Y aspect ratios.
dd (float)50.1 // Here we set the correct X ratio
dd (float)8.96666 // Here we set the correct Y ratio
Set these aspect ratios according to your specific resolution.
eg :
A triple Full HD widescreen 5760 * 1080 is 48/9
A Bezel compensated like mine 6012 * 1076 is 50.1/8.96666
50.1 = (6012 * 48) / 5760
8.96666 = (1076 * 9) / 1080
The UI size hasn't been touched.
the formula given previously by jackfuste gives the right aspect in game.
jackfuste wrote:
64 * ((width/height)/1.77777)
For example, 64 * ((6000/1080)/1.77777) = 200.00087
So, 64 should be changed to 200.00087
After modification is done to markers fix script, you can check/uncheck the different boxes to activate/deactivate the fixes once the MG process is opened.
Don't forget to modify the markers size according to jackfuste formula.
All credits go to Jackfuste.