Widescreen Gaming Forum

Left-over Sidebar
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Author:  ace_case [ 18 Nov 2015, 05:19 ]
Post subject:  Left-over Sidebar

Gaming in 21:9 is awesome, but not all games support it. Is there a program or something I could get that would make the game be 1920x1080, and have a usable sidebar of 640x1080 next to it? I know I could probably just run windowed and move it over, but I think a program would be much cleaner. It'd be useful for people who are recording or streaming and want to be able to easily see chat or video stats on the side.

Author:  Amoveo [ 18 Nov 2015, 05:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: Left-over Sidebar

Depends which monitor you have. I just ordered an LG 34UM95 and reviews mentioned that it has screen splitting software with multiple configurations one of which is the one you described. Not sure if other monitors have similar software though.

EDIT: WSGF actually has a video on it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-9XdLEfFp4

Author:  ace_case [ 18 Nov 2015, 06:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: Left-over Sidebar

I actually have the LG 25UM64. Didn't know the software did that. All I ever hear about it doing is the 4 corners mode, which is now built into Windows 10, so I hadn't installed it. Thanks! :)

P.S. If you go on to the 25UM64's product page, the software isn't listed. Just go on the 65's page and it should be there, seems to work just fine.

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