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PostPosted: 07 Sep 2011, 06:45 

Joined: 24 Dec 2009, 14:14
Posts: 16
I know this has been discussed before but not in total detail need some help here thx! I have one 6970 asus dcii, and 5 27" debezeled LCD monitors... windows 7 64bit. i have them installed with the latest drivers... when attempting to create a monitor group using the latest catalyst drivers 11-8 i only see 4x1 as the highest mode, no options for 5 monitors or 6?

i've heard about the 10.12a and the 11.4 preview and still i get the same choices...

the card has two dvi, and 4dp slots... i have 4 active adapters in each dp slot leading to dvi cables that lead to four of the monitors... the last monitor is running of the dvi port... which leaves one empty dvi port...

according to what ive ready (6 hours now) all the drivers after 11.4 support 5x1... why dont i see this as an option...

please explain if you know the answer thx!

do i need a hub if so what one and how do i hook it up etc. thx!


 Post subject: 11.8 doesn't include 5x1
PostPosted: 07 Sep 2011, 11:30 

Joined: 25 Aug 2010, 20:15
Posts: 13
11.8 doesn't include 5x1 sadly. You need to install 11.8 preview, then 5x1 will be available. If it's not, then run driver sweeper first and it should show up.

I was able to still have 5x1 available on 11.8 release if I upgraded from 11.8 preview.. but then CCC failed to load properly.

One annoying thing is, I can't get Hydravision to work on 11.8 preview.. the Hydravision package from 11.8 release seems to be too new. I tried Going 11.7 + 11.7 hydravision -> 11.8 preview too, but no joy so far.

 Post subject: Here's a link to 11.8
PostPosted: 07 Sep 2011, 11:33 

Joined: 25 Aug 2010, 20:15
Posts: 13
Here's a link to 11.8 preview: https://a248.e.akamai.net/f/674/20307/1m/www2.ati.com/drivers/hotfix/catalyst_11.8_hotfixes/amd_catalyst_11.8_preview_driver_july_12.exe

 Post subject: yyooouu rock
PostPosted: 07 Sep 2011, 12:52 

Joined: 24 Dec 2009, 14:14
Posts: 16
I'll give it a shot as soon as I get back to the office

PostPosted: 07 Sep 2011, 14:23 

Joined: 24 Dec 2009, 14:14
Posts: 16
Installed and still no 5x1 now going to boot into safe mode and run driver steeper 3.1.0 and reinstall 11.8 preview one more time will keep you posted ... On a side note previously I had 6970 flickering and red lines it turned out to be the higher end dual link dvi cables I switched to single link and all flickering vanished.

PostPosted: 07 Sep 2011, 14:51 

Joined: 24 Dec 2009, 14:14
Posts: 16
Wagoo you are an absolute genious!

driver sweeper in safemode!

reinstalled 11.8 preview


opened catalyst and chose multi display options and presto 5x1 right in front of me!!!!

Thanks man again huge time saver,


 Post subject: wagoo wrote:11.8 doesn't
PostPosted: 07 Sep 2011, 15:13 

Joined: 24 Dec 2009, 14:14
Posts: 16
11.8 doesn't include 5x1 sadly. You need to install 11.8 preview, then 5x1 will be available. If it's not, then run driver sweeper first and it should show up.

I was able to still have 5x1 available on 11.8 release if I upgraded from 11.8 preview.. but then CCC failed to load properly.

One annoying thing is, I can't get Hydravision to work on 11.8 preview.. the Hydravision package from 11.8 release seems to be too new. I tried Going 11.7 + 11.7 hydravision -> 11.8 preview too, but no joy so far.

ok it all worked and THX! final question when i select the 5x1 it puts all the monitors in cloned mode... what do i do next lol

 Post subject: Hmm. I don't remember
PostPosted: 07 Sep 2011, 15:42 

Joined: 25 Aug 2010, 20:15
Posts: 13
Hmm. I don't remember encountering that issue. :/

After creating the Eyefinity group it automatically went on to "Arrange Eyefinity Display Group", where you click on the blue screens to indicate what is where physically. You could try doing that bit from the Eyefinity submenu? Or try recreating the group? When Eyefinity is activated the desktop should automatically extend across all 5.. shouldn't be any cloning going on.

PostPosted: 07 Sep 2011, 16:38 

Joined: 24 Dec 2009, 14:14
Posts: 16
its time to redo my windows 7 system anyway may do a fresh install and then run the 11.8 preview driver...

hmm could possibly roll back the system as well.

 Post subject: voltayr wrote:ok it all
PostPosted: 07 Sep 2011, 16:41 
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Joined: 06 May 2006, 12:46
Posts: 1640
ok it all worked and THX! final question when i select the 5x1 it puts all the monitors in cloned mode... what do i do next lol

This is because your resolution is not yet set to something other than the single display resolution. Set to the proper 5x1 resolution and it'll work. The cloning occurs when you are set for a single display resolution when in an Eyefinity grouping. Just go into the display control panel and set to 5400x1920. It's most likely currently set at 1080x1920.

Brad Hawthorne
Product Manager
Nthusim Pty. Ltd. | www.nthusim.com

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