Haldi wrote:
what? How? I get a 9600x1800 with VSR activated.
Edit: The Bezel Correction was a problem with my system.
After a DDU uninstall of the Beta drivers, a reinstall of Crimson, a advanced Setup of Eyefinity and Bezel correction setup, then disable Eyefinity, set the Options in game profile it now switches to 6048x1080 Eyefinity when the game Starts
You probably need to set Bezel correction the first time you setup an Eyefinity resolution.
I have 2 - 7870's in eyefinity crossfire, with 3 - Asus 23" vs238's. I dont play with the beta drivers but I did keep the existing eyefinity profile from before. I should reset it.
Seeing the jump to 7940x1440 which is above the monitor spec is a nice surprise, though the monitor itself still reports 1080.
edit - I removed the profile and did quick setup, now without bezel comp. its giving my 7680x1440