Here are my results using the widescreen resolutions:
widescreen resolutions ?
Your shots are all 800x600 ... 4:3 ... not widescreen but your HUD looks like it does when using a widescreen hack ... i.e. with larger gaps at the sides.
Your screenshots maybe scaled down from some other higher res but it isn't a widescreen one ... and 800x600 is available in the game and of course also not widescreen.
May be you are trying to use a bad screen resolution.
but you know this ... :wink:
Posted here ... by you ...
... Fri December 15 2006 16:03 (13 days before your post above)
have you noticed that if you pick bad resolutions the game goes into a transparent mode?
If you have widescreen problem ... in order to get help ... you need to explain you problem better ...
What resolution are you trying to get ?
What .bin file you are using ? ...
What resolutions does your monitor do ?
... etc.