I also had an Anti-EA attitude up until recently Ubisoft took the #1 spot. Sure, BF2 and 2142 might of been buggy and didn't support widescreen, but they were quality games (in my opinion). Ubisoft used to develop my favorite games... now they make all their games for the Xbox 360 and port a peice of crap that runs like crap on the PC. And least DICE's games run relativley well.
And, seriously. DDX shoulda used search but seriously. He asked a question in this thread... would it really break anyone's back to help him? You couldn't even give him a straight answer.
Its the same proceedure as BF2 (easily guessed as its the exact same game engine). Create a new Shortcut and right click it, click on properties and where it says target add somthing that resemblse the following
"C:Battlefield 2142 Beta" +menu 1 +fullscreen 1 +szx 1680 +szy 1050
Its no different than the Battlefield 2 partial solution, i havn't tried any FOV editing as it is more than likely ineffective.
That's how you do it DDX. it allows you to run in the widescreen res of your choice, but it's Vert- meaning it crops off the top and bottom slightly.