I wasn't able to tell from your post, ...
If its plugged into the motherboard then try moving it to another port.
Hi Mobster,
sry, forgot to desribe. The usb is plugged directly in the mainboard. That´s what seems strange to me. Altough I switch off the AC Supply from my computer, the red led in the TH2G box shines red continouesly. *head scratch* - Possibly it takes quite a time, to get unloaded
I fixed the issue myself.
Yesterday I plugged off the AC connection of my computer, as well. This morning I was a bit surprised to see, the red led is still on *g*
Ok, i Noticed that the active usb-hub delivers power over ALL connectors on the usb "network". It seems that it doens´t matter, wether the hub is a layer lower in the usb topology connected.
+ TH2G
+ Logitech USB Keyboard - Logitech USB Mouse
+ active USB hub
............- Saitek Rudder Pedals
............- Saitek X-52 Peo
............- TrackIR4
In this configuration the usb hub poweres the TH2GO as well.
I think in this case a switchable AC power cord will be a solution (togehter for computer and USB hub)