Race The Sun (Triple Monitors / Eyefinity / Surround) [~4K]
Race the Sun is exactly what it sounds like, the aim is to race the sun to the horizon in an attempt to keep your solar powered racer moving, all the while avoiding and dodging the obstacles, shadows and missiles the world will throw at you. Now Flippfly, the developers of Race the Sun, have fixed the most glaring issues with their multi-monitor support since the beta. They have both remove the resolution restriction and removed the pillar-boxing, this basically makes the game horizontal plus by default. The only real issue is the menu UI, which is spanned across all 3 screens, the HUD is spanned as well, but the HUD isn't required to play.
The video itself is part analysis, part walkthough and part waffle, feel free to like or dislike my video and comment are always welcome too.
Direct Video Link: Race The Sun (Triple Monitors / Eyefinity / Surround) [~4K]
Channel Link: http://www.youtube.com/user/n11skid
While this video can be watched on any screen it has been encoded to look best on a multi-monitor system, so if your running such a system, then select original quality from the drop down box and watch in fullscreen. Note: You Tube has been relabelling the quality settings of my videos, if "Original" and 720p are missing, then 1080p is actually the 4K video, and 480p is the 1080p video. If You Tube doesn't correctly swap the quality when you select it, then please try this link, then set the player to the highest quality available: http://www.skid-inc.net/youtube.php?v=QsSSOxQhORM