Baseline (Widescreen) Solution & Issues
Ultra/Super-Wide (21:9/32:9) Specific Solution & Issues
Eyefinity / Surround Specific Solution & Issues
Multi-monitor has issues with the main menu, in-game dialog interactions, cutscenes, and combat. The main menu appears only on the center monitor, and is zoomed in to the point where all the options are almost entirely off the screen and you can't see what any of the options are. In-game dialog interactions uses 2D character images on the sides and a dialog box on the bottom, and on multi-monitor the dialog box is zoomed in such that much of it is cut off - see Additional Screenshots for examples. Cutscenes and combat is pillarboxed such that the left and right sides are cut off and on-screen elements overlap - see Additional Screenshots for example.
4k UHD Specific Solution & Issues