Fixed .vpk files for 5760x1080 and 5760x1200. Fix available from the PC Gaming Wiki Community Files (search there).
To center the HUD follow these instructions:
1. Create a modified hudlayout.res and basechat.res file using the
2. Create a folder MMHUDFix (this folder can be created wherever you want for e.g. your desktop)
2.1 Create a subfolder "scripts"
2.1.1 Put the modified hudlayout.res file inside this folder
2.2 Create a subfolder "resource" and another subfolder "ui"
2.2.1 Put the modified basechat.res file inside this folder
2.3 Create a text file called addoninfo.txt in the MMHUDFix folder
2.3.1 Copy & Paste the following into the text file and save it:
// The addoninfo.txt file is a metadata file that is required by all Source Engine Add-ons.
addonSteamAppID 240 // 240 is the app ID for Counter-Strike Source
addontitle "WSGF Multi-Mon HUD" // Add-on title that shows up in Add-ons list. ~20 chars max
addonversion 1.00 // Version number of add-on version of the form .
addontagline "WSGF - CSS 5760x1080 Eyefinity & Surround HUD" // Add-on tagline or wrap-up- a short description. ~100 chars max
addonauthor "Revy" // Name/alias of the author
addonSteamGroupName "Widescreen Gaming Forum" // (Optional) Steam group related to the add-on. We use this to construct a URL to the group page.
addonContent_Campaign 0 // This addon provides multiple connected maps with a finale
addonURL0 "" // An html home page for the add-on that includes a download link.
addonDescription "Centered CSS HUD for 5760x1080 Eyefinity/Surround users - from the Widescreen Gaming Forum (WSGF) community." // short description that appears in the Add-on list screen...
3. Now drag the folder you first created onto the vpk.exe found inside X:\Steam\SteamApps\common\Counter-Strike Source\bin\ this will create a file called MMHUDFix.vpk (depending your first folder name choice this can differ)
4. Put the MMHUDFix.vpk file into the folder X:\Steam\SteamApps\common\Counter-Strike Source\cstrike\custom\ and start the game
I've added a already packed .vpk file for the resolutions 5760x1200 and 5760x1080 to this report (see file attachments) just download the one for your resolution and unpack it into X:\Steam\SteamApps\common\Counter-Strike Source\cstrike\custom\ folder.
Further you can download the original hudlayout.res and basechat.res files as well so you don't have to extract them using GCFScape.