The graphics configuration system is slightly flawed:
-only 4:3 & 5:4 resolutions are available off in-game options...
-the config launcher (Config.exe) lets you specify any custom res (not wider than 5000px), but can't calculate the resulting aspect ratio...
So simply open this file:
C:\Program Files\Iceberg Interactive\Darkness Within 2\config.txt
and edit the screenwidth, screenheight and aspect values.
e.g for 1920x1080:
Display = {
fullscreen = true,
zfar = 10000,
multisample = 1,
screenwidth = 1920,
refresh_rate = 0,
fps = 60,
tex_compress = true,
bitsperpixel = 32,
hud_zbias = -0.07,
fov = 80,
screenheight = 1080,
znear = 1,
title = "Darkness Within: The Dark Lineage",
aspect = 1.77777,
The fov value (also adjustable from Config.exe) is a vertical angle. For Hor+ gameplay, you don't want to alter it. Leave at default !