Baseline (Widescreen) Solution & Issues
Native support. FOV is "Vert+" and can also be adjusted via a slider under Advanced Options (default HFOV: 90, range: 60-120).
UI blemishes in aspects narrower than 16:9:
- Squished mouse cursor and menu items. The crosshair scales correctly.
- Squished readable documents. Subtitles and contextual help text scale correctly.
Ultra/Super-Wide (21:9/32:9) Specific Solution & Issues
Native support through the FOV slider: under Advanced Options, set FOV Amount to ~106.
Perfectionists may want to use the .ini edit detailed below with either one of these values:
DefaultFOV=106.26 for 64:27 i.e 2560x1080
DefaultFOV=106.69 for 43:18 i.e 3440x1440
UI blemishes:
- Mouse cursor and menu items stretch. The crosshair scales correctly.
- Readable documents stretch. Subtitles and contextual help text scale correctly.
Eyefinity / Surround Specific Solution & Issues
An .ini edit is required to bypass the FOV slider's upper limit.
Open UDKEtherSettings.ini found in the game's install folder, for example:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Ether One\UDKGame\Config\UDKEtherSettings.ini
Look for the line starting with:
Here are FOVCalculated values for a few basic Multi-Mon aspects:
DefaultFOV=90 for 16:9 equals...
DefaultFOV=129.27 for 15:4
DefaultFOV=139.35 for 48:10
DefaultFOV=143.13 for 48:9
UI and graphics blemishes:
- Mouse cursor and menu items stretch. The crosshair scales correctly.
- Readable documents stretch. Subtitles and contextual help text scale correctly.
- The zoom is a bit more powerful than it should be, with no advert consequences on the gameplay.
4K UHD Specific Solution & Issues