Baseline (Widescreen) Solution & Issues
The gameplay and some rendered cutscenes are hor+ and slightly squeezed compared to 4:3. Other rendered cutscenes are vert-.
The FMVs are in 640x480 but intended for 16:9 and get letterboxed at 4:3. They are stretched to width at wider resolutions.
Ultra/Super-Wide (21:9/32:9) Specific Solution & Issues
Ultra-wide resolutions are selectable but the image is stretched from 16:9. Some cutscenes match the gameplay behavior, while others are not stretched but vert-. See the Additional Screenshots for the demonstration.
Rose's tool addresses the stretching and adds pillarboxing to the FMVs to preserve the original aspect ratio.
Eyefinity / Surround Specific Solution & Issues
All the same issues and solution as for ultra-wide. No option to center the HUD.
4k UHD Specific Solution & Issues