New domain name and site maintenance update
As many of you have noticed, WSGF has moved to a new domain name. This was done largely due to the cramping and fatigue that occurred when typing in the old domain name. We value our readers and members finger fitness and wanted to be sure that typing and linking to the wide screen gaming forum were easier, more enjoyable, and less hazardous for everyone. The old domain name ( and all links now softly redirect you over to the new, whitespace conserving domain with out breaking any bookmarks or android applications.
Ever since our little fiasco with the site "loosing" all of it's former content, Delphium and I have been hard at work making a backups policy. Delphium now does a full site backup every week or so while I have both database and daily backups stored off-site in object storage (It costs us ~$8/mnth extra) which includes a 30 day revision and deletion policy. So even if something is deleted and the backups are run, the files will remain in backup for 30 days before they are automatically deleted. Database backups use a 7 day rolling backup, but also are stored in the 30 day retention policy too. In other words, the database is dumbed daily to a file called wsgf-$date.sql.xz and then the same backup script runs on that directory pointed at a different object store, thus preserving each file for over 30 days. That's a lot of retention if you think about it, that's each day is saved for 30 days, so that's 900 individual database backups in a given month stored in object storage.
Source:Tags: site news, maintenance