WSGF Giving Away Monitor Stands @ AMD FX GamExperience
We've been able to leverage our partnerships with Ergotech and AMD to give away three monitor stands away at the 2012 AMD FX GamExperience. We will be giving away two Heavy Duty Triple Stands, on behalf of Ergotech. Additionally, we will be giving away a WSGF Edition Triple Stand.
I will be in the AMD booth displaying a couple of WSGF Edition Stands, in both 1+3 and 5x1 configurations. I'll be answering questions with Shane Partfitt (Eyefinity Product Manager) and we'll be presenting in the breakout room from 2:00 - 2:20.
Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter for your chance to win a stand.
Tags: amd, eyefinity, hardocp, ergotech, events, wsgf