That might be true for FPSs but what about flight simulators?
Seeing the ceiling and floor of the cockpit isn't really useful either. And if you're weird and play your flight sims in chase cam mode, the sky and ground still isn't as important as the horizon.
Okay! I'm sure the majority of flight sim fans wouldn't mind seeing more in any direction, being able to see dash and roof controls by just moving your eyes instead of the mouse (camera) is an advantage.
I can't argue about the horizon being more important in a flight sim though....but what about a space sim? There is no up/down or left/right there.
In fact a space sim's ideal aspect would be almost square or circular (hemisphere?), and if possible slightly wrapping around you both to the sides and vertically.
I forgot to mention that with Aspect+ it forces developers to think more logical, you can't just "pop in" a NPC any more, you have to make use of the gameworlds geometry.
Amusingly enough Monolith's Alien vs Predator 2 does this (not so amusing is how messy it is to get widescreen and correct FOV),
the aliens there do not pop in, well they do but you can not see it as they pop in... into holes that are tiny tunnels or whatnot, if you cheat you can see that those holes extend inwards or twists up or to the left etc. So the alien AI actually has to crawl out of the hole and THEN ambush you from behind or the side.
So AvP2 is actually very widescreen (or Aspect+ even) friendly but ironically not supporting it :roll:
War shooters just need to begin popping in the enemy in foxholes or the other side of a door or behind a bush rather than right in front of the bush,
how many of you surround gaming nuts here have seen enemies pop in magically out the corner of your eye?
I'd say that would ruin the game a little. So a game that follows Aspect+ (or Anamorphic with toggleable masking) would probably behave more sane in that respect.
And I'm sure that at some point there might even be separate letterbox and pillarbox options Cranky, so you could play with letterboxing on if you really want. ;)
All I ask for is to consider adding... "or Anamorphic with toggle-able masking as a user option" to the WSGF Anamorphic criteria :)
Basically the WSGF Anamorphic criteria would then be the same as Aspect+ only WSGF uses implicit "must" instead of "should", so WSGF would be stricter than Aspect+ in that respect.
PS! I know this is the "Wide" Screen Gaming Forum, but that doesn't mean WSGF can't aspect agnostic games right?
After all WSGF certification criteria for "Pixel based" games actually matches Aspect+ already.