[quote]The only thing that is really bugging me still is that everytime I transition from an area to another I get a black box that quickly appears and disappears on the center screen. Sometimes it takes 3-5 seconds for the black box to go away and sometimes it appears and disappears in less than a second.
Same problem too actually, compared to all the other issues I get to choose from I think I'll live with this one (although mine dissapear within a second at most, I may feel otherwise waiting 5 seconds). I did notice that it went away when bEnableEyefinity is set to 1, possibly some unseen optimization Obsidian "graced" us with, or just may be a coincidence since I didn't bother playing much with that setting on.
I'm a tad curious - what kind of setup do you have? We seem to have suffered the comparable issues so I also imagine we are running similar rigs.
At a glance I am running:
Asus Crosshair IV mobo
Athlon Black Edition Phenom II 694 proc
8 gigs RAM
2x5850 cards
3xAcer 24" monitors in 6048x1080 rez
Soundblaster X-fi onboard audio
I also noticed the lack of the black box when the Eyefinity .ini setting is enabled, but enabling that setting does more bad than good. If the menu/UI elements could be repositioned with the 'bEnableEyefinity' set to 1, it would be golden.