Hijacking... Yer not the only one having issues with multi-monitor setups for this game. I have the exact issue of random CTDs when playing this game. Everything else, I can play fine with no issues (even NFSHP). But this one, I can't play for long until I started tweaking the settings. I think the biggest issue is when you load the card/GPU up that the chances of a CTD increases. I can play on almost any other maps without any major crashes or whatnot and I have gone through sessions crash-free except for one: Laguna Presa.
What I ended up doing was edit the settings.ini file and knock down every graphic/visual settings down to minimum. At first, this will really make the game look half ugly because all the trees within range will be fully rendered but anything beyond that are 2D textures. Static objects like stairs and other decorative objects go missing (see Atacama Desert at the broken ship mid-section). Then one by one I start increasing the visual details starting with some of the absolute must.
Effects=medium -- I set to medium as it controls transparency of shallow waters. I use AT Mines so checking to see my mines are still around is kinda necessary for me.
Soldiers=low, Vehicles=low, Overgrowth=high -- controls "level of detail" rendering for soldiers, vehicles, trees/vegetation respectively. I suggest to always keep Overgrowth to high to keep your drawing/rendering distance for trees max'd out.
Undergrowth=low -- 2D texture painting of the grass and other things. Not likely a priority if it will save you a crash or two
StaticObjects=medium -- indestructible objects and other decors like stairs, desks, and whatever (see Atacama Desert at broken ship's mid-section). If set to low, these objects won't get rendered.
The rest of the settings I never bothered with nor do I know on what they do. So far, on a single card Eyefinity setup, I have not crashed out as often so I am fairly happy with this setting. For the time being, this is my only work-around despite that I'd rather have some settings on high while others not. Hope this'll help out and maybe clue you in on how to work around that mess.
Anyway, sorry for the hijacking section. On topic, the new maps are great and such a refresher. Heavy Metal is crazy big and am liking the size of it. It's still too linear but at least there are quite a few ways to get past the front line. I had a clanmate blurt out "If you can get from your base to the other base on foot, then ... you're the man." I did exactly that. lol. Sure the team didn't exactly win but the map is so refreshing that I can screw around more rather than worry about winning. Much more relaxing than the other maps.