alright, guys, i might be going nuts...except i have the file to prove it. earlier today i found a relatively new posting (in an older thread, i think) of a widescreenfixer plugin for mass effect 2. i grabbed it, started a new game, and things look great. some funkiness, menu items aren't lined up perfectly on the pointer, but whatever, i'm ok with that. the targetting reticle is off, though, maybe 25 degrees above the actual aim of the guns. i remember seeing something in the posting about this and a way to straighten it out...except i can't for the life of me find that thread. i've searched and can't track it down. found lots of threads...just not THAT thread.
can anyone point me at it? sorry for the mostly useless thread-starting, but functional mass effect 2 on three screens has me pretty excited. except i can't hit anything at the moment. :(