When will PC games be written for PC's again. I'm getting pretty tired of these games that could be so amazing being ruined by short-sighted console-centric development.
How far we've fallen from the days of Unreal.
Dice and Valve. PC support. BC2 Vietnam and MOH multi are for PC. They are the best. Crytek was PC now they are console and have lost their crown. I tried the Crysis 2 leak and It works eyefinity hardcore setting on a 5850 oc. Its just a beta. Right now it looks like a console game if the PC version has better tweaks than the leaked beta then it might be ok. The multiplayer feels like a halo game :lol:
BF3 will probably blow away crysis 2
Bulletstorm reeks of consolitis. I am going to play it single screen as I doubt it will be fixable for eyefinity. I'm also thinking gamepad would be fun with the vibrations so if i play with that on my comp I SHOULD HAVE JUST GOT IT FOR XBOX! :x