anteronoid wrote:
I want good textures and can ditch most other settings. AA can almost be turned off at high resolutions.
I've looked at comparisons between the High and Ultra textures, and it's almost imperceptible IMO. The Ultra textures seem to be causing the stuttering problems, and it doesn't happen with High. You could also try the `-disablepagefilecheck` command line switch, that's been working for most folks. I actually just completely disabled my page file for this game, as I have enough RAM anyway. I'll switch back if I have problems with other programs. This stuff fixed it for me, and I'm at least playing in 1080p at a more than stable framerate.
As far as AA, I dunno about that. It makes sense with higher pixel density like 2K or 4K, but personally I still find aliasing to be a noticeable eyesore when I'm just adding two extra monitors to the mix.
anteronoid wrote:
Also, all sorts of focus blur and motion blur is useless. I mean, if om not looking at something its still blurred in my eyes.. :wtf:
Hehe. First thing I turned off. The DoF I don't mind and prefer sometimes, but definitely screw motion blur.