OK, so here we go. Here's a simple program I've made to edit the dat file should work fine for Steam version, not sure about GOG:
https://github.com/SuiMachine/Aquanox-2 ... es/tag/1.0And here's a CheatEngine table with a script to multiply the FOV. Hopefully won't cause any crashes and doesn't have any bugs:
https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SuiMa ... FOV/AN2.CTOn a sidenote, yeah, sadly they haven't modeled entire cockpit, so I guess you'll have to deal with "floating pipe" pretending to be a cockpit. Plus the cockpit is scaled really weird. Maybe someone with a better understanding of assembly and video games can fix it.
Oh almost forgot - make sure to attach CheatEngine to
not AquaNox 2 Revelation.exe, cause AN2.dat is actual game process.