ins1337 wrote:
Haldi wrote:
ins1337 wrote:
Do I just drop this file next to the other .ba1 files in the Data folder, and now remove the interface line edit from the ini file?
you replace the original .ba2 file and you still need the interface .ini edits to Center your hud !
Sorry I'm a bit lost. All I originally did was change 'sResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS\' to 'sResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS\, INTERFACE\' so that it picked up the modified .swf's. Now that im using your ba2 file I can just remove this cant I? And also delete the .swf's i put in the interface folder as they will just stop your ba2 from being used?
You mentioned a line to centre my hud? Which line is that. Everything seems to work okay for me except m,y health bar is on the bottom left of the left screen still.
edit: just looked back on this thread, is this what I need to do?
"Fallout4.ini" in myDocuments with the Line:
edit2: yes it was, fixed! thanks!
Thanks for posting them Ins! Was reading your replies and trying to find the .ini edits too.
So what I understand you have to do is:
1) Download the zip file provided by Haldi in his post (page 20)
2) Rename interface.ba2 to interface.old and then place Haldi's ba2 file into its place (renaming to interface.ba2)
3) Edit the Fallout.ini file with:
4) Save and make read only?
5) Run the game
Thought I would put the steps in for anyone just reading this, can anyone confirm thats correct? EDIT-Ins1337 confirmed this is how he did it
*apologies if i'm stepping on anyone's toes, I did none of the above just putting it in a clear instruction layout