after find this......
personnal tips for nvdia surround and eyefinity :
1: lock your "GraphicsConfig.xml" windowed and select same resolution win /full put the file read only !
2: edit DarkSoulsIII.exe change only value 1920::1080 "hexa 800700003804 to your resolution..ex 5760::1080 " 801600003804 "
3: launch windowed but 5760:1080 run match and in game go to option select fullscreen ! is work but....
the external screens are not completely filled a black gray halo you have an idea why ? the effect corresponds to the option "vignette" in sweetfx........
dont use reshade or sweetfx..may be that activation of this allows to remove it, but I doubt it
re help !!!!!!
despite all this is much better no ?
It's funny I tried this among the first things;) but it never worked. I never thought of making it work in Window Mode and that it will "STICK" in fullscreen afterwards;)