EDIT: The patch has introduced a new 21:9 bug (at least for me) involving quest markers. See next post.
512.15 Patch 3 did fix interactive item markers for me on 21:9 (2560x1080)!
File comment: Civilian
civilian.jpg [ 624 KiB | Viewed 6829 times ]
File comment: Trunk
trunk.jpg [ 657.13 KiB | Viewed 6817 times ]
File comment: Newspaper
newspaper.jpg [ 456.43 KiB | Viewed 6823 times ]
Unfortunately, NPCs marked with the LiDAR Mark-Tracker still have their markers off to the right.
File comment: LiDAR Mark-Tracker
LiDAR.jpg [ 756.71 KiB | Viewed 6810 times ]
Less importantly, the red Damage/LowHeath haze is sill confined to a 16:9 area as well.
Overall, I'm very pleased with this progress. Interacting with people and objects was very frustrating with the markers misaligned, and now it's fixed. I can deal with not using LiDAR and turning off the red haze in the meantime (though I hope they get fixed eventually).