These files work with Paddy's fix to correct some lingering stretching in the inventories, dialogues, and most importantly, fixed scopes for 6000 X 1200 resolution. I even winged a cursor fix for the annoying cursor that's oversized. Issues that can't be fixed without laying out a complete sheet of icons are the icon stretches for ammo and the file that's the source of the issue is included. To fix the ammo and description window icon stretching, I'd have to undo the table column width adjustments I made in the attached file, crop each item on the enclosed dds sheet, divide the width of each icon by three, then painfully lay out another sheet with the center of each icon in the exact center of the original layout. Blech! There seemed to be potential in the various ltx files in creatures, misc and weapons directories in the config folder as each icon has a table width variable; however, instead of impacting the icons as they appear in the inventory and trade menus as unstreched, the width of the table did shrink, but it cut off the icons by two thirds and did not have the impact I was looking for. If someone knows how to add a stretch feature to this code, there would be a solution for all icons including the one that is stretched when you pick something up in the 3D environment. The code looks like this:
inv_grid_width = 6
inv_grid_height = 1
inv_grid_x = 16
inv_grid_y = 8
The grid width should be divided by three, but needs a code entry to tell it to stretch the image inside of the cell. Don't know how to tell it to stretch the item to align with the cell width. Shrinking all of the maps and map icons for the game seems like an impossible task as the graphic work would be hopelessly time consuming. If only the zone map and icons could receive a stretch command. It may be buried in another file, but I couldn't find it.
In the meantime, having an inventory of nonstretched items, windows that don't fall behind bezels, description text that's legible in the center window, and dialogue text that stays on the center monitor instead of stretching across behind bezels as well as scopes that don't stretch are at least a step in the right direction.
Recommended settings for a small crosshair should be made in the system.ltx file in the config folder:
;âñå ðàçìåðû â ïðîöåíòàõ îò äëèíû ýêðàíà
cross_length = 0.001 ;äëèíà "ïàëî÷êè" ïðèöåëà
min_radius = 0.001 ;ìèíèìàëüíûé ðàäèóñ ïðèöåëà (ïðè íóëåâîé äèñïåðñèè)
max_radius = 0.002 ;ìàêñèìàëüíûé ðàäèóñ
radius_lerp_speed = 0.08 ;ñêîðîñòü èíòåðïîëÿöèè ïîëîæåíèé ïðèöåëà
cross_color = 0.7,0.7,0.7,1.0 ;öâåò ïðèöåëà
disp_scale = 3.0 ;ìàñøòàá ïðèöåëà (îòíîñèòåëüíî ðàäèàí)
Ambivert'sTripleFix.7z [4.34 MiB]
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