Widescreen Gaming Forum

[-noun] Web community dedicated to ensuring PC games run properly on your tablet, netbook, personal computer, HDTV and multi-monitor gaming rig.
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PostPosted: 15 Jul 2019, 16:32 
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Joined: 15 Jul 2019, 13:32
Posts: 2
Location: Russia
Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet 4:3 request

some different resolution comparison game screens info:

1024x768 (4:3)

1280x720 (16:9)

1280x800 (16:10)

1280x960 (16:12)


Hardware config: MSI E3 Krait Gaming V5 (Intel c232), Intel Xeon E3-1220 v5, 8GB RAM, MSI(AMD) R9 390 8gb, NEC MultiSync LCD 2090UXi (1600x1200/4:3)

Available resolution setts in game menu:

currently i'm fails to set custom resolution (ant test some more, ultrawide) but searching around internet got info about game crashes on 21:9 & wider resolutions, and presence vertical bars too.
resolution settings are found in c:\Users\%user%\AppData\Local\SAOFB\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\GameUserSettings.ini, but fake.
real setting stored in save game: c:\Users\%user%\AppData\Local\SAOFB\Saved\SaveGames\SaveData.sav
at offset: 36E50 (16bytes), currently no decode info about it meaning (stored not in explicit format).

Wants normal fullscreen (4:3)
Any help? Direction to dig-up?
some savegame file graphics settings block describe:

36E50(16байт) - разрешение resolution
36E50(16байт) - режим (окно/БР/ПЭ) screen mode (windowed/borderless/fullscreen)

36E60(16байт) - объёмный свет volumetric lighting
36E60(16байт) - вертикальная синхронизация VSync
36E60(16байт) - глубина резкости distant smooth
36E60(16байт) - площадь экрана soften<->sharpen smoothing regulator
36E60(16байт) - ограничитель ФПС FPS limiter

36E70(16байт) - сглаживание краёв AntiAliasing
36E70(16байт) - качество теней ShadowQuality
36E70(16байт) - размытие движения motion blur
36E70(16байт) - качество текстур texture quality

i.e. changing at least one of parameters in group changes all 16 bytes of group
zeroing or changing of 36E50 block produces game swich to 1152x864, and new 16 bytes, depending of DesiredScreenWidth, DesiredScreenHeight, ResolutionSizeX, ResolutionSizeY params in GameUserSettings.ini
zeroing of another blocks produces game crash.
+Also fact about vertical bars (1600x800):
i'm play some time and looks like game stable.

some observation: effect of bordering SAR looks like hardly attached to "it's" resolution:
[center]vanilla 1024x768 -------- and -------- 1024x768 made from 1280x800[/center]
Image Image

all it's i'm got with utility that allowing to change position, size and style parameters of widely selected app window.


PostPosted: 16 Jul 2019, 17:16 
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Joined: 13 Oct 2003, 05:00
Posts: 7358
I want to share with @everyone an issue that has beset the WSGF over the last week or so. Google has decided that the files we host (exe files, patchers, etc.) are malware. Thus, they have flagged the entire WSGF as hosting and/or linking malware, which inhibits site access and search rankings.

Both the WSGF and our older media server (WSGF Media dot com) have been flagged. We have found a solution for our hosted files, via our friends at PC Gaming Wiki. However, we still have an issue with the forums linking to the old WSGF Media server.

There is no feasible way to go through the forums and edit the possible thousands of posts that reference the WSGF Media server. And there is absolutely no guarantee that Google won't ping some future post attachment and flag the entire site again.

The forums are much quieter today then they used to be, with just 1 or 2 active posts per day on average, on top of this we continue to have issues with bots or humans creating accounts to post spam. Additionally, the forums have hampered our ability to enable HTTPS and update the site to be more modern and mobile friendly.

The internet itself has also shifted, with sites like Reddit and services like Discord, YouTube and Twitch being where most discussion happens. Given all of the above we are exploring the idea of "archiving" the forums into their own domain so that everything could be read, but no new posts or accounts could be created. We would then direct all new discussion to a Reddit community and/or our Discord server, which we hope will make discussing and working on fixes more practical.

We are really at a crossroads where the forums have gone from being a minor or moderate inhibitor to growth of the WSGF, to now a major roadblock (thanks to Google). We need a road forward, and wanted to reach out to the community to socialize the issue and our ideas, and to get your feedback.

I'd love to hear your feedback in our Discord Server - https://discord.gg/FcVYWgh

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