Widescreen Gaming Forum

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PostPosted: 03 Feb 2007, 23:32 

Joined: 30 Dec 2006, 15:52
Posts: 2
Can someone offer clues to forcing widescreen resolution and wider FOV in the Gold Edition of Activision's first Soldier of Fortune game? The ascii .cfg file holds no clue that I can determine, and I have no concept of what to look for in the user.dll file. tia



PostPosted: 04 Feb 2007, 09:08 

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PostPosted: 02 Feb 2009, 08:29 
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Joined: 08 Nov 2008, 12:19
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I apologise for bumping a really old topic, but I recently installed this classic and I would like to know if there's a decent widescreen method out there. The link provided above doesn't seem to work anymore.

I already tried gl_mode -1 and forcing a custom resolution, but using gl_mode -1, the game always reverts to 640x480. :(

PostPosted: 02 Feb 2009, 11:19 
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Joined: 21 Mar 2006, 05:01
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I apologise for bumping a really old topic, but I recently installed this classic and I would like to know if there's a decent widescreen method out there. The link provided above doesn't seem to work anymore.

I already tried gl_mode -1 and forcing a custom resolution, but using gl_mode -1, the game always reverts to 640x480. :(

r_mode -1

PostPosted: 03 Feb 2009, 18:36 
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Joined: 08 Nov 2008, 12:19
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r_mode is for the games running on the Quake 3-engine. gl_mode is the equilevant for Quake 2-engine games.

PostPosted: 22 May 2010, 01:30 

Joined: 13 May 2008, 11:35
Posts: 104
Are the settings in the config files reverting back to their default values after you launch the game? If so, have you tried setting the config files to read-only?

Also, have you tried changing the fov directly through the console?

PostPosted: 04 Aug 2011, 03:22 

Joined: 27 Oct 2009, 04:15
Posts: 14
i too apologize for bumping a really old topic, but i would also like to get this working. i have something to contribute and something to request.

1. Getting a widescreen resolution in SOF1 is actually trivial. Use a hex editor and search for 80 02 00 00 E0 01. This is the 640x480 data. Change it to anything according to the hex editor tutorial. Or use the link below, but i haven't tested it.

[DISREGARD, SEE EDIT: 2. HOW THE HECK TO CHANGE THE FOV? There's a console variable and a .ini variable, but they do nothing. I know it's possible, because this guy has screenshots.]


EDIT, YEARS LATER: An SDK was released for the game, and it includes the source code. I personally never was able to change the FOV via console or cfg files (it's 95 by default, which isn't bad), but if someone really, really wants to change it, it should be very easy to create an exe with full widescreen support. I'd do it myself, but I've long since uninstalled the game, and I doubt anyone would use it anyway.

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