Just played through Call of Juarez, pretty good game. I really don't get why so many reviewers say they hate all the sneaking you have to do as Billy because for the most part he has access to and can use weapons. I also enjoyed his hunting and climbing tasks Calm Water sent him on despite some reviewers thinking it ridiculous.
There are a few minor nit picks that I do have though, like when anything dies it sounds like a board hitting the ground be it human or wolf. Then there's the overuse of shotguns by the indians, and they tend to sound more like rifles than shotguns. They also use the double character nature of the game to give you half as many maps to play, so you spend a lot of time retracing steps as someone else.
Overall it was well worth buying for what I paid, but it's not something I would pay over $25 for. I've read you can unlock extra missions just by beating the story mode, but after doing so I see no verification of that. I've also read collecting 30 wanted cards unlocks Very Hard mode. Can anyone verify if these are possible in the PC version and how you access the extra missions?