[quote]One would suspect that such things would be behind NDA and hence none of our business...
The reality is if the numbers of units sold was huge, it would be made public. That fact has nothing to do with NDA's whatsoever.
As far as whether or not they are lobbying devs would also, in and of itself, not be the subject of an NDA.
If a dev was working on a specific game that they did not want announced... THAT would more likely be the purview of an NDA.
I think the deafening silence on the issue of units sold speaks volumes to the actual adoption of the product.
Most NDAs don't exclude the announcement of games. They just embargo talking about them in specifics. The rendering system of a 3d engine is often treated as NDA material, hence why I made my statement. NDAs are often at odds with the want to release PR about certain unreleased titles. For example, I'm behind a NDA currently. I'd love to do a detailed writeup on dual and triple screen use in the game, but one must respect NDAs till they are lifted.