I do have the triple head 2go but i do not have the box. I bought it from a buddy and he walked me through setting it up over the phone. Like i said i have been using it now for about 6 months but only with RFactor and it has worked fine. This is the first time that i have tried it with another game. I have the Matrox power desk program installed, if there is anything else that i need please let me know and if you could direct me where to get it i sure would appreciate it. I remember when he had me install it he had me visit a website and download and install a few things but i do not know what they were.
Woah, hold up... TripleHead2Go is only in box form. How can you have TripleHead2Go and "do not have the box"? I hope this guy didn't sell you SoftTH, as it's a free utility. Some of the things in your post are confusing. It seems to indicate you do have a TH2G box, but you initially say you don't? If you do have a TH2G, it means that SoftTH is not needed at all. No need for you to have downloaded that.
TH2G should just work if it's setup and working on your desktop. Some games simply don't support wide resolutions if they don't show up in the game video settings options. There are some hacks out there to fix resolutions but you'd need to check for one for that game if it's not supporting it natively. Check to see if SGU has anything for the app.