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PostPosted: 27 Mar 2009, 23:06 
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Joined: 24 Sep 2006, 16:57
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Topic split to Dark Sector in Request/Discuss. I can see a lot of discussion about this game, so for clarity keep this thread for things specifically affecting the Detailed Report. 8)

Formerly eZ`

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PostPosted: 31 Mar 2009, 11:25 

Joined: 31 Mar 2009, 11:23
Posts: 6
You have to run it at the resolution ths PS3 version runs at which is 1152x640

To do so go to the games folder, then find the folder titled CONFIG, in there open the file DS.cfg in notepad and change the resolution to 1152x640

It is the only resolution that I have found that does not look like crap on widescreen.

You are welcome.

PostPosted: 31 Mar 2009, 12:29 
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You have to run it at the resolution ths PS3 version runs at which is 1152x640

To do so go to the games folder, then find the folder titled CONFIG, in there open the file DS.cfg in notepad and change the resolution to 1152x640

It is the only resolution that I have found that does not look like crap on widescreen.

You are welcome.

Doing this makes the game load in 640x480 for me, even if I make the DS.cfg file read only.

While I was in there though I did notice this entry, which might be helpful in some way? It's the only thing I didn't recognize as not widescreen/FOV related:


(P.S. Please move his post and my reply to the discussion thread, if you please).

 Post subject: oops
PostPosted: 31 Mar 2009, 12:38 

Joined: 31 Mar 2009, 11:23
Posts: 6
Crap I am wrong, I used the resolution from guitar hero which is 1040 x 585

So sorry for the confusion.

Use that resolution in the same way I said to above.

PostPosted: 01 Apr 2009, 00:14 
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Still loads in 640x480.

Even if it somehow worked, it wouldn't be a solution, since I and everyone else would rather play it in 1600x1200 than such a low res.

Thanks anyway.

PostPosted: 01 Apr 2009, 07:14 

Joined: 31 Mar 2009, 11:23
Posts: 6
It may not be a solution if you wish to play at a higher res but is the only option we have that does not suck ass.

So you went into Dark Sector/Configs and opened the DS.cfg file, and in there where it reads Graphics.FullScreenSizeX='###" 's you changed it to read as follows...

Graphics.FulScreenSizeY= 585

When you load the game and go to display options it will tell you that it is in 640 x 480 but it not actually in that resolution.

It looks way better than the default 640 x 480.

PostPosted: 01 Apr 2009, 07:30 
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You're right, though it says 640x480 it does load up in your custom resolution.

However, you are wrong in saying it is no longer stretched. Here is a picture:

Look at the target reticule and the top of his head and compare them to the 4:3 shots in my report. The game is still stretched.

Also, as I said, that is such a low res that it would not change the grade, as playing it in such a res would be considered worse than playing it in 1600x1200 for most, which would be a damaging flaw.

PostPosted: 01 Apr 2009, 07:49 

Joined: 31 Mar 2009, 11:23
Posts: 6
Man, you are quick to reply :)

Bummer, that is so odd cause that circle is totally round on my 37 inch widescreen. Perhaps it has to do with the fact that I have a somewhat odd screen size, it has to be at 1366 x 1280 in order for things to look correct on the desktop... Anyway, so sorry I could not help ya out :(

PostPosted: 01 Apr 2009, 08:35 
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Man, you are quick to reply :)

Haha... I work from home on the PC, and I keep many forums open while I work.

Bummer, that is so odd cause that circle is totally round on my 37 inch widescreen. Perhaps it has to do with the fact that I have a somewhat odd screen size, it has to be at 1366 x 1280 in order for things to look correct on the desktop... Anyway, so sorry I could not help ya out :(

It could be an issue where your TV is stretching the image slightly horizontally, which causes it to look more normal. It could also be something else.

If you could download fraps and take a screenshot of your game we would all appreciate it.

PostPosted: 01 Apr 2009, 23:07 

Joined: 20 Oct 2008, 22:37
Posts: 15
I emailed Aspyr Media and got this response:

> Thank you for contacting Aspyr Tech Support!
> Unfortunately Dark Sector was not developed for Windows Vista 64 since 64 bit operating systems work quite differently than 32 bit PC operating systems. Games that were developed for a previous 32 bit PC OS, as this one was, have many problems running on Windows Vista and Windows XP 64 bit. Thus this game is not supported on Windows Vista 64.
> Please sign up for the Aspyr news letter for future updates about Windows Vista patches.
> https://www.aspyr.com/news/newsletter_signup
> Sorry we could not resolve your problem.
> We'll check some Vista 64 systems here and see if we can find a work around for the problem, although since you are not supported we can't guarantee we will find a solution.
> Aspyr Tech Support

I'm fairly this problem isn't OS related, unless literally everyone who has reported this problem is using a 64-bit OS. I'm going to reply to them and send them a link to this thread and various other threads on the Steam forums and Digital Extremes forums.

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