[quote]True dat. But, regardless of avail GPU power (like in Crossfire), if you overrun that framebuffer - you're down into the single digits for FPS.
That's not, strictly speaking, true. Texture management schemes are quite sophisticated in how they handle being addressed from system RAM and it not an "all or nothing" type thing; it does just push a portion over to system RAM and either address those from there or swap them dependant on the frequency of use.
yes average FPS may not be impacted that much however you may have a less than smooth experience (or even noticeable stutters)
As you can see in the graph below, the 896MB card hiccups at several points in the benchmark as it swaps textures in and out of memory. The 1792MB card does not suffer this hindrance. While the overall average only shows a .7fps gain for the 1792MB card, the overall performance is much smoother
However one has to say that in general ATI tends to do a better job on this front that NVIDIA, with low memory cards being able to run higher settings than NVIDIA counterparts.