Canceled my pre-order with Steam.
One of my CoD buddies canceled his preorder as well, the game is just not to our liking.
Meh, honestly the fewer people convert from CoD the better for my tastes. We don't need an entire team of lone wolf "l33t sn1perz" running around the map. (not that you or everyone that plays CoD is, but the main reason I can't stand that game is the people who play like that) BFBC2 is actually too close to CoD for my taste. It is growing on me however; I almost canceled my pre-order last week after being disappointed with the frantic pacing and the tendency for the half the team to pick the recon class, but after giving it another week I've come around. After learning the map the pacing doesn't seem so frantic, and I think most of the people that would pick sniper without being interested in how to play a supporting recon class (i.e. teamplay and working towards team objectives) left to go back to CoD. :twisted:
My only issue is with the framerate; I have to play with almost everything on low to be comfortable with the framerate, but then again at eyefinity resolutions I shouldn't be surprised...
Oh that and I don't care for the way the unlock structure rewards clearly superior players with clearly superior weapons. BF2 did a nice job of making unlocks varied and potentially more powerful if used correctly, but this one has outright better equip for unlocks. They should give you a couple intro unlock "perks" or something as well; I almost feel bad when I kill a low rank player knowing that they're stuck with the crap equipment in the game. That said, I know this unlock thing isn't really to increase enjoyment of the game, but add a sort of "MMO feel" that keeps people playing for reasons other than straightforward fun. It's unfortunate that a carrot/stick routine works to keep people playing a game, but I must admit it works on even me sometimes, despite my disdain for it.