
The default grade for detailed reports. Usually something is missing which either needs testing and/or verification to be marked as needing grading.

Submitted by Tanuki on 30 April, 2011 - 03:01

Postal 2 Complete

Postal 2 (stylized as Postal²) is a first-person shooter video game by Running with Scissors, and it is the sequel to the 1997 game Postal. Both are intentionally highly controversial due to high levels of violence and stereotyping. Unlike its predecessor, Postal 2 is played completely in first-person based on the Unreal Graphics Engine.

Submitted by skipclarke on 30 April, 2011 - 02:59

Madden NFL 2004

Version of the venerable Madden NFL game franchise for the 2004 season.

Submitted by The_cranky_hermit on 30 April, 2011 - 02:58

GTI Racing

GTI Racing is a racing game featuring a variety of VW brand vehicles, as well as LAN and internet play

Submitted by Anonymous on 4 April, 2011 - 05:35

IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover

Combat flight sim set in WW2. This is the newest title in the long running series.

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