Not to be mean, but we need a quicker rubric to measure games that these developers have coming out.
How fast does it really have to be? I conservatively estimate that with a little bit of organization, three people with specific tasks could put together all of the necessary information within 24 hours. In fact, here's a list of atomic tasks right now:
Determine widescreen method
Get 4:3 and 16:10 shots from gameplay
Get 16:9 and 16:10 shots from gameplay
Get 4:3 and 16:10 shots from multiplayer (if applicable)
Get 4:3 and 16:10 shots from cut-scenes
Test all required resolutions
Check for singleplayer anomalies (this part would take the longest - best for one person to be dedicated to the job in order to maximize efficiency)
If all of the above get done and we don't find any problems, we can say "this game will get certified" and then later on someone can take the time to do a complete report. And if a problem *is* found, we can tell the devs what the problem is specifically.